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    persons who formulate, encode, and transmit a message


    persons who receive, decode, and interpret a message


    the content of a communicative act


    media through which messages are sent


    anything that interferes with or distorts the ability to send and receive me s sages


    the setting


    information returned to a message source

    positive feedback:

    a behavior-enhancing response

    negative feedback :

    a response that extinguishes behavior in progress


    the communication outcome

    need for inclusion

    the need for social contact

    need for control

    the need to feel we are capable and responsible

    need for affection

    the need to express and receive love


    globalization: the increasing economic, political, and cultural integration and interdependence of ?diverse cultures

    diversity: the recognition and valuing of difference

    multiculturalism: engagement with and respect toward people from distinctly different cultures

    interracial communication: interpreting and sharing meanings with individuals from different cultures

    interethnic communication: ?interaction with individuals of different ethnic origins

    international communication: communication between persons representing different nations

    intracultural communication: interaction with members of the same racial or ethnic group or co-culture as yours

    melting-pot philosophy: the view that different cultures should be assimilated into the dominant culture

    cultural pluralism: adherence to the principle of cultural relativism

    culturally confused: lacking an understanding of cultural difference

    cultural imperialism: the expansion of dominion of one culture over another culture


    the tendency to see one’s own culture as superior to all others

    cultural relativism

    the acceptance of other cultural groups as equal in value to one’s own


    a positive or negative prejudgment


    a system of knowledge, beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that

    are acquired, shared, and used by members during daily living


    groups of persons who differ in some ethnic or sociological way from the

    parent culture


    the means by which co-culture members attempt to fit in with members of the dominant culture


    the means by which co-culture members maintain their cultural identity while striving to establish relationships with members of the dominant culture


    the means co-culture members use to resist interacting with members of the dominant culture

    high-context communication

    a tradition-bound communication system which depends on indirectness

    low-context communication

    a system that encourages directness in communication

    high-power-distance cultures

    cultures based on power differences in which subordinates defer to superiors

    low-power-distance cultures

    cultures that believe that power should be used only when legitimate

    masculine cultures:

    cultures that value aggressiveness, strength, and material symbols of success

    feminine cultures:

    cultures that value tenderness and relationships

    Among highly masculine cultures are Japan, Italy, Germany, Mexico, and Great Britain. Among highly ,feminine cultures are Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Thailand, and Chile.



    the process by which we make sense out of experience

    selective perception

    the means of interpreting experience in a way that conforms to one’s beliefs, expectations, and convictions

    selective exposure

    the tendency to expose oneself to information that reaffirms existing attitudes, beliefs, and values

    selective attention

    the tendency to focus on certain cues and ignore others

    selective retention

    the tendency to remember those things that reinforce one’s way of thinking and forget those that oppose one’s way of thinking

    figure-ground principle

    a strategy that facilitates the organization of stimuli by enabling us to focus on different stimuli alternately

    perceptual schemata

    constructs used to organize perceptions


    the tendency to fill in missing perceptual pieces to perceive a complete world


    the ability to reflect on and monitor one’s own behavior


    everything one thinks and feels about oneself


    the sort of person one perceives oneself to be


    optimistic belief in one's own competence

    self-fulfilling prophecy

    a prediction or an expectation that comes true simply because one acts as if it were true

    open area:

    the part of the self containing information known to both the self and others

    blind area:

    the part of the self known to others but not known to oneself

    hidden area:

    the part of the self that contains Information about the self known to oneself but that is hidden from others

    unknown area:

    the part of the self that is unknown to oneself and others

    impression management

    the creation of a positive image designed to influence others

    perceived self

    the self we believe ourselves to be


    the means used to present a public image

    presenting self

    our public image

    high self-monitors

    people highly attuned to impression management efforts

    low self-monitors

    people who pay little attention to responses others have to them

    perceptual sets:

    expectations that produce a readiness to process experience in a predetermined way

    halo effect:

    the perceiving of qualities that are primarily positive

    horn effect:

    the perceiving of qualities that are primarily negative

    first impressions:

    initial judgments about people

    predicted outcome value theory:

    the theory that we form relationships based on whether we believe they are worth it

    primacy effect:

    the ability of one's first impression to color subsequent impressions


    a generalization about people, places, or events held by many members of a society


    a biased, negative attitude toward a particular group of people; a negative prejudgment based on membership in a social category


    the erroneous belief that any one person can know all there is to know about anything


    the process by which one unconsciously adds restrictions that limit one's perceptual capabilities


    that which is known to be true based on observation


    an assumption with varying degrees of accuracy


    the experencing of the world from a perspective other than our own.

    cultural nearsightedness:

    the failure to understand that we do not all attribute the same meanings to similar behavioral clues


    exhibiting an individualistic orientation


    exhibiting a collectivistic orientation

    distinctiveness theory:

    the theory stating that a person’s own distinctive traits are more salient to him or her than are the more prevalent traits possessed by others in the immediate environment

    cultivation theory:

    a theory propounded by George Gerbner and colleagues focusing on the mass media’s ability to influence users’ attitudes and perceptions of reality



    a unified system of symbols that permits the sharing of meaning


    that which represents something else

    triangle of meaning:

    a model that explains the relationship which exists among words, things, and thoughts

    denotative meaning:

    dictionary meaning; the objective or descriptive meaning of a word

    connotative meaning:

    subjective meaning; one’s personal meaning for a word


    specialized vocabulary of technical terms shared by a community of users


    informal vocabulary that binds users together


    miscommunication that occurs when individuals think they understand each other but actually miss each other’s meaning


    the use of either-or language and/or language that causes us to think in extremes


    a pleasant word that is substituted for a less pleasant one

    dominant culture:

    the culture in power; the mainstream culture

    Sapir-Whorf hypothesis:

    the belief that the labels we use help shape the way we think, our worldview, and our behavior

    Linguistic determinism:

    the belief that language influences how we interpret the world

    Linguistic relativity:

    the belief that persons who speak different languages perceive the world differently

    linguistic prejudice:

    the use of prejudiced language

    prejudiced language:

    sexist, ageist, or racist language; language disparaging to the members of a co-culture

    racial code words:

    words that are discriminatory but not literally racist


    tentative phrases

    tag questions:

    questions that are midway between outright statements and yes-no questions


    remarks that diminish a statement’s importance


    Deborah Tannen’s term for language differences attributed to gender


    nonverbal communication:

    the kinds of human messages and responses not expressed in words

    mixed message:

    message that occurs when words and actions contradict each other


    the study of the relationship between human body motion, or body language, and communication


    vocal cues that accompany spoken language


    the highness or lowness of the voice

    habitual pitch:

    the characteristic pitch one uses


    the degree of loudness of the voice


    speaking speed


    the absence of both paralinguistic and verbal cues

    informal space

    space that is highly mobile and can be quickly changed

    semi-fixed-feature space

    space in which objects are used to create distance

    fixed-feature space

    space that contains relatively permanent objects

    artifactual communication:

    the use of personal adornments


    the study of the use of time


    the study of the use of touch


    the study of the sense of smell

    visual dominance:

    a measure calculated by comparing the percentage of looking while speaking with the percentage of looking while speaking with the percentage of looking while listening

    contact cultures:

    cultures that promote interaction and encourage displays of warmth, closeness, and availability

    low-contact cultures:

    cultures that maintain more distance when interacting


    symbols that replace nonverbal cues during machine-assisted communication



    the involuntary, physiological process by which we perceive sound


    the deliberate, psychological process by which we receive, understand, and retain aural stimuli


    emptying one's mind of personal concerns and interfering emotions, and choosing to focus on the person and the here and now

    serial communication:

    a chain-of-command transmission

    appreciative listening:

    listening for enjoyment or relaxation

    comprehensive listening:

    listening to gain knowledge

    critical listening:

    listening to evaluate the worth of a message

    empathic listening:

    listening to help others

    red-flag words:

    words that trigger emotional deafness, dropping listening efficiency to zero

    speech-thought differential:

    the difference between speaking and thinking rates

    critical thinking:

    the careful and deliberate process of message evaluation

    people-oriented listener:

    focused on emotions and connections

    content-oriented listener:

    focused on what is said

    action-oriented listener:

    focused on task and outcomes

    time-oriented listener:

    focused on time limitations

    dialogic listening:

    listening that focuses on what happens to people as they respond to each other



    William Schutz’s theory focused on how relationships meet inclusion, control, and affection needs


    the need for social contact


    the perceived discrepancy between desired and achieved social relationships


    the need to feel we are capable and responsible and are able to exert power and influence in our relationships


    the need to experience emotionally close relationships

    serial construction of meaning model:

    Duck’s observation that commonality, mutuality, and the equivalence of our evaluation result in shared meaning.

    phatic communication:

    communication designed to open the channels of communication


    a type of informal, conversational network existing in organizations

    gossip mill:

    the network through which unverified information is spread


    the number of topics you discuss with another person


    a measure of how central the topics you discuss with another person are to your self-concept

    social penetration theory:

    the theory that states that our relationships begin with relatively narrow breadth and shallow depth and develop over time


    the process of revealing to another person information about the self that he or she would not otherwise know

    communication privacy management theory:

    theory that describes the establishment of the boundaries and borders that we decide others may or may not cross


    the relationship stage during which contact is first made


    the relationship stage during which we begin to probe the unknown, often through the exchange of small talk


    the relationship stage during which two people become good friends


    the relationship stage in which two people are identified as a couple


    the relationship stage in which two people make a formal commitment to each other


    the relationship stage in which two people identified as a couple seek to regain unique identities


    the relationship stage in which both the quality and the quantity of communication between two people decrease


    the relationship stage during which communication is at a standstill


    the relationship stage during which the participants intentionally avoid contact


    the relationship stage during which the relationship ends

    cost-benefit/social exchange theory

    the theory that we work to maintain a relationship as long as the benefits we receive outweigh the costs

    comparison level

    an expectation of the kinds of rewards and profits we believe we ought to derive from a relationship

    comparison level for alternatives

    the comparing of rewards derived from a current relationship with ones we expect to get from an alternative relationship


    use purposefully vague language to finesse a response

    tolerance of vulnerability:

    the degree of trust you place in another person to accept information you disclose without hurting you or the relationship

    hurtful messages:

    messages designed to upset or to cause emotional pain that further hampers trust

    distance relating

    relating with persons via e-mail, chat rooms, and instant messages



    the attraction principle which states that opposites attract


    relationships with persons we know by name and with whom we converse when the chance arises

    role-limited interaction: the beginning stage of friendship

    friendly relations: the friendship stage in which we explore whether we have enough in common to continue building a relationship

    moving toward friendship: the friendship stage in which we make small personal disclosures demonstrating the desire to expand our relationship

    nascent friendship: the friendship stage that finds us considering each other friends

    stabilized friendship: the friendship stage in which we decide that our friendship is secure and will continue

    waning friendship: the friendship stage during which friends begin to drift apart

    toxic communication:?

    the consistent use of verbal abuse and/or physical or sexual aggression or violence

    emotional intelligence:

    the ability to motivate oneself, to control impulses, to recognize and regulate one’s moods, to empathize, and to hope

    emotional contagion:

    the catching of another person’s mood

    emotional isolationists:

    persons who seek to avoid situations that may require the exchange of feelings


    perceived disagreement


    the type of conflict that occurs when a person has to choose between two or more mutually exclusive options

    intrapersonal conflict:

    internal conflict

    interpersonal conflict:

    conflict between two or more people

    low-intensity conflict: a conflict in which the persons involved work to discover a solution beneficial to all parties

    medium-intensity conflict: a conflict in which each person feels committed to win, but winning is seen as sufficient

    high-intensity conflict: a conflict in which one person intends to destroy or seriously hurt the other


    the situation that results when persons mistakenly believe that two or more goals cannot be achieved simultaneously

    content conflict:

    a disagreement over matters of fact

    value conflict:

    a disagreement that arises when persons hold different views on an issue

    ego conflict:

    a disagreement in which persons believe that winning or losing is tied to their self-worth, prestige, or competence


    the hesitation to display one’s feelings and thoughts


    the expressing of one’s thoughts and feelings while displaying respect for the thoughts and feelings of others

    DESC script:

    an acronym—Describe, Express, Specify, and Consequences—behaviors that promote self-assertion.

    flames: online insults


    group: a collection of individuals who interact verbally and nonverbally, occupy certain roles with respect to one another, and cooperate to accomplish a goal

    quality circles: small groups of employees who meet regularly to discuss organizational life and the quality of their work environment

    self-directed: teams autonomous groups of employees empowered to make decisions and supervise themselves

    group goals: a group’s motivation for existing

    group structure: group member positions and roles performed

    group patterns of communication: patterns of message flow in a group

    group norms: informal rules for interaction in a group

    group climate: the emotional atmosphere of a group

    group role-classification model: a model that describes functions participants should seek to assume and to avoid in groups

    task roles: group roles designed to help the group achieve its goals

    maintenance roles: group roles designed to ensure the smooth running of a group

    self-serving roles: group roles that impede the functioning of a group by preventing members from working together effectively

    cooperative goal structure: a goal structure in which the members of a group work together to achieve their objectives

    competitive goal structure: a goal structure in which members hinder one another’s efforts to obtain a goal

    decision by consensus: a decision that all members understand and will support, reached as a result of members’ voicing feelings and airing differences

    questions of fact: questions involving the truth or falsity of a statement

    questions of value: questions involving subjective judgments

    questions of policy: questions designed to help determine future actions

    brainstorming: a technique designed to generate ideas

    killer phrases: comments that stop the flow of ideas

    killer looks: looks that discourage or inhibit the generation of ideas


    leadership: the ability to influence others

    designated leader: a person given the authority to exert influence within a group

    achieved leader: a person who exhibits leadership without being appointed

    type X leader: a leader who does not trust group members to work and is unconcerned with the personal achievement of group members

    type Y leader: a leader who displays trust in group members and is concerned with their sense of personal achievement

    autocratic , or authoritarian, leaders: directive leaders

    laissez-faire leader: a nondirective leader

    democratic leaders: leaders who represent a reasonable compromise between authoritarian and laissez-faire leaders

    trait theory: the theory of leadership asserting that certain people are born to lead

    situational theory: the theory of leadership asserting that leadership depends on the situation

    functional theory: the leadership theory suggesting that

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      我要這天,再遮不住我眼,要這地,再埋不了我心。要這眾生,都明白我意,要那諸佛,都煙消云散!下面是小編帶來的男生頭像圖片帥氣,希望大家喜歡!  男生頭像圖片帥氣  男生...

      網絡課程 日期:2019-02-11

    • 喜酒桌上的老奶奶作文1000字


      網絡課程 日期:2020-02-20

    • 五年級下冊科學書 人教版科學電子課本


      考試真題 日期:2019-03-02

    • 基督教歌曲100首


      考試真題 日期:2021-03-16

    • 敦煌莫高窟壁畫介紹【莫高窟壁畫的主要內容是什么】

      莫高窟壁畫面積45000平方米,是世界上現存規模最大、內容最豐富的佛教藝術圣地,被譽為東方藝術的寶庫。以下是小編分享給大家的莫高窟壁畫的主要內容,一起來看看吧!  莫高窟...

      考試真題 日期:2019-02-19

    • 民族團結一家親詩歌朗誦稿


      考試真題 日期:2021-02-10

    • 哥哥的懲罰(轉載)作文3000字


      考試真題 日期:2020-02-24

    • 游鹿回頭山(二)作文500字

      游鹿回頭山(二)   “今天是好天氣!”我高興地叫,“爸爸媽媽下樓了,快點兒??!”我們匆匆走到二樓餐

      考試真題 日期:2020-02-19

    • 我眼中的奧運會吉祥物作文500字

      2008年奧運會吉祥物誕生了!她的名字叫福娃?! ∥业谝淮慰吹礁M奘前职纸o我買的五枝筆,原來福娃不是

      考試真題 日期:2020-02-19

    • 任職前談話表態發言


      考試真題 日期:2020-10-18

    • 海灘風景畫【兒童風景畫海灘】


      考試真題 日期:2019-02-12

    • [人民的名義第二季播出播放時間]人民的名義2播出時間


      考試真題 日期:2019-02-14

    • 【最新2020】向稅務局寫情況說明-word文檔 (2頁)


      招聘大全 日期:2021-04-21

    • XX科技有限公司有關懇請派遣物聯網畢業生實習商洽函


      招聘大全 日期:2020-09-24

    • 如何發揮基層黨建對業務經營統領作用


      招聘大全 日期:2020-10-24

    • 形容香甜類歇后語大全及答案


      招聘大全 日期:2021-04-12

    • 尋找春天作文400字

      尋找春天  張店區和平小學三年級五班張鈺寧    “春天在哪里呀,春天在哪里,春天在那明媚的春光里。

      招聘大全 日期:2020-02-06

    • 介紹撫州作文300字


      招聘大全 日期:2020-02-06

    • 薄熙來為什么殺文強【薄熙來個人簡歷】

      薄熙來,研究生學歷,文學碩士。曾任中央政治局委員,重慶市委書記。下面是小編為你整理的薄熙來個人簡歷,希望對你有用!  薄熙來簡介  薄熙來,男,漢族,1949年7月生,...

      招聘大全 日期:2019-02-19

    • 河馬和猴子作文400字


      招聘大全 日期:2020-02-08

    • 高中物理必修二期末測試題及答案


      招聘大全 日期:2021-02-10

    • 福建省國有資產監督管理委員會出資企業

      福建省國有資產監督管理委員會出資企業1 福建省華僑實業集團有限責任公司福建省華僑實業集團有限責任公司

      招聘大全 日期:2020-10-09

    • 美甲學習的方法具體有哪些7篇

      美甲學習的方法具體有哪些1、不管你采取哪一種學習方法,美甲初級部分內容必須過一遍,因為后面的技術都是建立在此基礎上的,比如:涂甲油留邊0 08MM,涂的順序

      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年高中必修五英語知識點8篇

      高中必修五英語知識點Unit1:1、putforward:提出(計劃、建議等);將…提前;把鐘表撥快e g Heputforwardagoodplanfor

      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年高考狀元高效學習法3篇


      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 暑期社會實踐12篇


      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年銀行職業規劃13篇


      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年度職業生涯規劃指導精彩9篇


      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年度《一路花香》第一課時教學設計7篇


      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年度教學設計教案6篇


      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年度《陋室銘》譯文6篇

      《陋室銘》譯文教學目標:1 了解“銘”“說”這兩種古代文體及其特點,積累文言詞匯,理解文章內容。2 理解作者用托物言志的方法表達高潔志趣。3 學習古代仁人志

      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 五年級數學暑假作業答案匯總4篇

      五年級數學暑假作業答案匯總p2-31、2 34 52 30 24100 30 230 60 182、(1)3 5*414(2)1 53 5(3)1和34和6

      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

