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    時間:2020-11-29 16:09:39 來源:勤學考試網 本文已影響 勤學考試網手機站



    英 語 (2020.10)







    第一部分 閱讀理解(共兩節,滿分50分)

    第一節 (共15小題;每小題2.5分,滿分37.5分)



    Things To Do in Los Angeles on Labor Day weekend, September 18-20, 2020

    Families will find?fun?things to do with your kids this weekend from September 18th to 20th.?Make some art, visit a museum, enjoy a drive-in movie, and more!

    Bowers Museum

    2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana, CA 92706

    The Bowers Museum is now open and ready to safely welcome your family. Current exhibitions include?Inside the Walt Disney Archives: 50 Years of Preserving the Magic, a 10,000-square-foot traveling exhibit that features more than 400 objects. Timed tickets will be required. Make your reservation online.?

    The Virtual Orange County Children’s Book Festival

    3857 Birch Street, Suite 414, Newport Beach, CA 92660

    The Virtual Orange County Children’s Book Festival begins on Monday, September 14th and continues until Saturday, September 26th. A variety of activities are planned including story times, illustrating demonstrations, interactive activities, discussion panels, and much more. Check the website for a complete schedule of events.?

    Sawdust Art Festival: An Outdoor Marketplace

    935 Laguna Canyon Rd., Laguna Beach, CA 92651

    The Sawdust Art Festival: An Outdoor Marketplace opens this weekend on Saturday, September 19th from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. The Outdoor Marketplace will be open on weekends only, and advance tickets are required. Families will have the opportunity to safely shop, watch live art demonstrations, and enjoy outdoor dining and live music. Tickets are available online. Admission is $10 for adults and free for kids 12 and under.

    Drive-In Movies at the Mall:?The Princess Bride

    500 Lakewood Mall, Lakewood, CA

    Enjoy a drive-in screening of?The Princess Bride?at the Lakewood Center Mall on Saturday, September 19th. The movie starts at 8:00 pm and the parking lot is not accessible until 7:00 pm. A free goody bag will be provided to each car. Tickets are available online.

    1. Which of the following does NOT require tickets?

    A. Bowers Museum. B. Sawdust Art Festival.

    C. Drive-In Movies at the Mall. D. The Virtual Orange County Children’s Book Festival.

    2. What can visitors do on Sawdust Art Festival?

    A. Appreciate live music. B. See drive-in movies.

    C. Enjoy dining indoors. D. Watch free art demonstrations.

    3. When should visitors arrive to enjoy The Princess Bride in full length?

    A. 6:25 pm, September 19th. B. 7:25 pm, September 19th.

    C. 9:00 pm, September 19th. D. 8:25 pm, September 19th.


    Grandma was going to turn eighty-two on Friday. I heard Mom ordering a cake from the bakery over the phone. “Don’t put any icing on it,” she said, “Just a plain angel cake.” Angel cake with fresh strawberries was her favorite. So Mum was ready.

    That afternoon when Dad came home, he showed me the phone he had bought for Grandma. “It has speed-dialing,” he said. “She won’t have to push so many buttons when she calls the doctor’s office or her sister.” Dad looked pleased. “Her fingers are so stiff with arthritis (關節炎) that the phone seems a good idea.”

    But what about me? Here I was with only one dollar in my pocket and one night to think of a gift. Even though Mom always insisted that “it’s the thought that counts,” I had a big problem. My mind was even more empty of ideas than my wallet was empty of money.

    When I have a problem, it sometimes helps to shoot a few baskets in the driveway.

    Dribble, shoot, rebound.

    For a while I just played without even trying to think. I began to remember back before Granddad died, when we used to visit them in Kentucky, Granddad showed me how to do a jump shot. Thinking about Granddad made me sigh. Grandma’s life was a lot happier when he was alive.

    Swish! I’d made two in a row.

    Suddenly, I remembered a green glass dish in the shape of a leaf that Grandma used to keep on a table back in Kentucky. It was always full of those red-and-white-striped peppermint candies. I hadn’t thought of that dish for a long time. Maybe it was lost or broken when Dad rented the truck and brought Grandma and the belongings to Ohio.

    Just thinking about that candy dish made me taste the peppermint slowly dissolving on my tongue. I could almost hear Grandma saying,“Help yourself to a piece of peppermint, Burt.” That voice had a smile behind it. It was a voice I hadn’t heard for a long time.

    Aha! I took one last shot, then dribbled to the back door, ran up the steps two at a time, and grabbed my wallet.

    4. What do you know about the author’s grandma?

    A. She has difficulty moving fingers. B. She loves high-tech products.

    C. She doesn’t like a plain cake. D. She has a sweet tooth.

    5. What does the underlined word “dissolving” mean in the last paragraph but one?

    A. Melting. B. Chewing. C. Swallowing. D. Fading.

    6. What would the writer probably buy in the end?

    A. Something decorative for candies. B. Something bringing good memories.

    C. Something convenient to use. D. Something to Grandma’s taste.

    7. What is the best title of the text?

    A. The Good Old Days B. The Gift of Gratitude

    C. The Thought That Counts D. The Inspiration from Basketball


    Awe is generally defined as the sense that you are in the presence of something larger and more consequential than yourself. According to a study called “awe walks”, people who took a fresh look at the world around them during brief, weekly walks felt more upbeat and hopeful in general than walkers who did not. Feeling a sense of awe also seems to up our overall feelings of gladness and improve health.

    Previous studies have linked increased physical activity to greater happiness and reduced risks for anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses. But no studies had looked into whether mixing awe and activity might increase the benefits of or, on the other hand, reduce them. So, for the new study, scientists concentrated on people in their 60s, 70s and 80s, an age when some people can face risks for declining mental health.

    The scientists asked 52 study volunteers to add a weekly 15-minute walk to their normal schedules. All of them were physically healthy and psychologically well-adjusted, with little anxiety or depression. Then they were randomly divided into two groups. One, as a control group, was asked to start walking, preferably outside, but given few other requirements. The other group was not only asked to walk once a week, but also were instructed in how to cultivate awe as they walked. “Basically, we told them to try to go and walk somewhere new, since novelty helps to cultivate awe,” says Virginia Sturm, an associate professor who led the new study.

    Both groups were asked to take a few selfies (自拍) during their walks and upload them to a lab website and also complete a daily online assessment of their current mood. After eight weeks, the scientists compared the groups’ responses and photos. Not surprisingly, the awe walkers felt happier, less upset and more socially connected than the control group members.

    The findings are subjective, though, since awe, like other emotions, is difficult to quantify, but Dr. Sturm thinks awe walks could be a simple thing for small wonders without any downside.

    8. What makes the new study different from the previous ones?

    A. It concentrated on older people.

    B. It found the solution to mental health.

    C. It associated physical exercise with happiness.

    D. It took both activity and awe into consideration.

    9. What can we learn from paragraph 3?

    A. The volunteers were suffering mental diseases.

    B. Only the control group practiced weekly walks.

    C. The study volunteers were divided by age.

    D. Novelty can produce awe feelings.

    10. Why are the findings regarded subjective?

    A. The number of volunteers is small.

    B. The awe emotion is hard to measure.

    C. The daily assessments are difficult to complete.

    D. The period of the experiment isn’t long enough.

    11. What is the attitude of Dr. Sturm to “awe walks”?

    A. Skeptical. B. Supportive. C. Indifferent. D. Critical.


    A NASA-funded study used satellite to search for penguin poops (糞便) in Antarctica: funny at first sight though, it resulted in unique insights on the Adelie penguin’s diet and its future as the climate changes. The findings published recently unlocked the secrets about the species that can provide an early-warning of threats to Antarctica’s delicate ecosystem.

    Researchers from Stony Brook University used satellite images to see if the Adelie penguin’s diet has been changing in response to Antarctica’s changing climate. Adelie penguin population has dropped greatly in some areas even as the global population increases. The satellite images cannot show the penguins individually, but their presence can be detected by the stain (污漬) left on the ice by their waste, called guano.

    Male and female penguins take turns incubating (孵化) in the nest. The guano builds up in the same areas occupied by the nests. Heather Lynch, associate professor at Stony Brook, along with his team, used the area of the colony as defined by the guano stain to work back to the number of pairs. A global survey for Adelie penguins turned up 3.8 million breeding pairs. Also, the satellite data can detect the color of the penguin guano, ranging from white to pink to dark red. White guano is from eating mostly fish; pink and red would be from eating mostly krill (磷蝦). The team found that while the Adelie penguin’s diet did show changes from year to year, no consistent pattern was obvious.

    “This was a big surprise, since the abundance and distribution of Adelie penguins has changed dramatically over the last 40 years and scientists had assumed that a change in diet might have played a role,” said Casey Youngflesh, a graduate student from the university. However, continued changes in the physical environment and a growing krill fishery in the region are likely to have an influence on penguin prey (獵物) and penguin population itself. “Tools like this will be important for the management of the Antarctic ecosystem, which is often considered among the most primitive areas in the world,” said Youngflesh.

    What concerned scientists most according to paragraph 1?

    A. The climate change. B. The Adelie penguin’s diet.

    C. The Antarctica’s ecosystem. D. The secret of penguin poops.

    13. How did scientists carry out the study?

    A. By doing experiments. B. By conducting surveys.

    C. By making observations. D. By collecting documents.

    14. Which of the following would Lynch agree with?

    A. The Adelie penguin population was 3.8 million worldwide.

    B. Guano colors reflected the health condition of the penguin.

    C. The Adelie penguin’s diet stayed the same most of the time.

    D. Adelie penguin waste helped estimate the penguin population.

    15. What did Youngflesh’s words suggest?

    A. More Adelie penguins have appeared over the last 40 years.

    B. There was not an obvious changing pattern of penguin’s diet.

    C. Diet changes didn’t actually affect penguin population as assumed.

    D. Fishery was important for the management of the Antarctic ecosystem.



    Fruits Are Less Fattening Than Others

    Health authorities recommend food with added sugar be limited within 5% to 10% of calories. But don’t worry about the sugar we get from whole fruit. The natural sugar in fruits comes packaged with valuable things, including vitamins, minerals, and other healthy chemicals.

    16 , two features providing some natural serving control.

    As for fewer calories, apples definitely take the cake. However, such control disappears when fruits are juiced or dried. 17 . But it wouldn’t be hard to consume 4 or 5 apples if we drank apple juice or ate dried ones. Consumption of whole fruit decreases the risk of diabetes (糖尿病), while fruit juice performs oppositely.

    Fruits contain glucose (葡萄糖), fruit sugar, and other sugars in varying amounts. Most fruits contain more glucose than fruit sugar. These two types are working differently. Glucose is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Fruit sugar, on the other hand, is processed in the liver.

    18 , so it is often recommended to diabetics precisely. It also tastes sweeter than glucose, providing more sweetness for less sugar and fewer calories.

    Diets high in sugar are a problem. Eating large amounts of sugar will flood the body with both glucose and fruit sugar. Too much glucose impairs blood sugar metabolism (新陳代謝), while too much fruit sugar harms the liver. Taking in too much sugar means taking in too many calories. 19 .

    20 . Something that may be harmful in high amounts may be harmless or beneficial in small amounts. With a balanced and calorie-appropriate diet, the amount of diverse sugar you get from several servings will not cause you diabetes, liver damage, or turn your body into a fat storage factory.

    A. The quantity makes the poison

    B. Fruits with less glucose bring more benefits.

    C. And whole fruit also contains fiber and water

    D. This always contributes to weight gain and fat storage

    E. Eating whole fruit means absorbing less sugar and calories

    F. Fruit sugar is a natural sugar that has little effect on blood sugar

    G. Most of us would find it difficult to eat more than two whole apples

    第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節,滿分30分)

    第一節 完形填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)

    閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A, B, C, D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。

    A few years ago, I was given a wallet. A beautiful elephant was woven into its front panel. The wallet was 21 to me by a close friend on my birthday.

    The wallet was not only beautiful; it had a personality: it loved to run away, as I told my parents over and over again, only to receive eye 22 in return. “Frances, really, you’ve lost it again?” they would say every time I 23 it. Fortunately, I would eventually find it in my own house.

    One day, 24 , as I was leaving a football stadium at a school, the wallet once again

    25 from my pocket. I discovered the 26 when I got home. I searched the house and I prayed, as usual. Nothing.

    But then, around a week later, my parents received a 27 on their business voicemail. A complete stranger was calling with the 28 of my wallet. “I’m calling for Frances,” a

    29 came from the stranger. This man, to find whom the wallet belonged to, looked inside of it, and found a 30 which my parents had written to me. It 31 have their business phone number on it. Upon getting my wallet back, I wrote a brief letter to the man expressing my 32 , and remarking on what an amazing act of kindness he had committed and that he was truly a 33 person. I would be forever grateful to him. I 34 and emailed it off to him.

    I don’t know if I believe in chance or luck, but I do know I believe in 35 and in the selfless acts of kindness.

    21. A. handed B. lent C. gifted D. sold

    22. A. rolls B. glances C. contacts D. shadows

    23. A. needed B. abandoned C. misplaced D. missed

    24. A. otherwise B. moreover C. therefore D. however

    25. A. escaped B. jumped C. flew D. stole

    26. A. event B. loss C. failure D. mistake

    27. A. note B. message C. letter D. card

    28. A. thought B. value C. excitement D. news

    29. A. telephone B. greeting C. voice D. request

    30. A. passage B. check C. book D. sign

    31. A. seemed to B. used to C. happened to D. intended to

    32. A. gratitude B. interest C. wishes D. concerns

    33. A. generous B. remarkable C. responsible D. serious

    34. A. closed B. folded C. attached D. concluded

    35. A. theory B. truth C. principle D. humanity

    第二節 語法填空(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)

    閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入 1個適當的單詞或括號內單詞的正確形式。

    Waking up at 7 in the morning , 25-year-old Fan Yupei cleans up, waters flowers in the courtyard, and then 36 (open) the door of her?Jun?porcelain (鈞瓷) production studio, ready for a new day’s business.

    Life in her hometown, Shenhou town, in Yuzhou City, is much 37 (happy) for Fan, who quit her job in Beijing and started her own studio with her husband. Jun?porcelain is one of the top five Chinese porcelains, 38 (date) back to the Song Dynasty, 39 is famous for its change of colors when heated in kilns. Now it 40 (list) as a state-level intangible culture heritage (非物質文化遺產).

    Shenhou town is home 41 Jun?porcelains. Recently, the local government of Yuzhou city has made a series of measures 42 (promote)?such production. Now Fan’s husband is in charge of?Jun?porcelain making while she is responsible for sales. 43 have combined?Jun porcelain production with modern art and often share 44 (thought) about designs together. With more and more tourists visiting Shenhou every day, Fan has the 45

    (confident) that Jun porcelain will gain greater popularity in the future.

    第三部分 寫作(共兩節,滿分40分)

    第一節 (滿分15分)

    假定你是李華,學校英語社將舉行一次以“光盤行動”為主題的演講比賽。你代表英語社給外教Mr. Smith寫一封郵件,邀請他做評委。郵件內容包括:




    提示詞:“光盤行動”(“Clear Your Plate” Campaign)


    1. 詞數80左右;

    2. 可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。

    3. 請按如下格式在答題卡的相應位置作答。

    Dear Mr. Smith,


    Li Hua



    “Hurry, Marcus!” Millie called to her brother. Marcus caught up just as the school bus arrived. The doors opened and they got their first look at the new bus driver, Mr. Cross. There was no smile on his face. He just nodded at them as they climbed the steps. Millie wondered if he ever smiled. “I miss our old driver,” she whispered.

    The bus traveled two more blocks, then stopped in front of a house with no one in sight.

    “Hey, we don’t usually stop here,” whispered Millie. Mr. Cross opened the bus doors. Millie waited to see who would get on, but nobody did. Still, Mr. Cross nodded his head, the way he had when she and Marcus boarded the bus. Then he closed the doors.

    “Did you see that?” Millie said. “He just opened the doors and nodded at someone, but nobody got on!” Marcus agreed. “That was strange.” The bus continued on the route, and the usual kids got on. Mr. Cross nodded at each one.

    During school that day, Millie kept thinking back to what had happened that morning. It didn't make sense. At the end of the day, when she and Marcus got on the bus to go home, Marcus said, “I think I figured it out. He probably stopped to pick up a ghost kid!”

    “A ghost kid?” Millie gulped (倒吸氣).

    “Maybe Mr. Cross can see ghosts,” Marcus said.

    “No,” said Millie. “That’s silly.” But as they rode home, Millie thought about it. What else could it be? Why else would he open the doors?

    The next two days, the same thing happened. The bus stopped and the doors opened. Smileless, Mr. Cross nodded, and the doors closed. Millie began to panic. This time she decided Marcus was right. “Who is this ghost kid? What if he’s sitting next to us?” They gathered courage to find out the truth.

    On Friday morning, the bus stopped at that house again. Their hearts raced.


    1. 續寫詞數應為150左右:

    2. 請按如下格式在答題卡的相應位置作答。

    When Mr. Cross opened the doors and nodded to nobody, they went forward to him.

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