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    時間:2020-10-24 07:54:43 來源:勤學考試網 本文已影響 勤學考試網手機站

    龍源期刊網 http://www.wendangku.net/doc/b1ea69070129bd64783e0912a216147917117e8c.html




    摘要:; 黨的十九大召開以來,我國十分重視“三農”問題,農業發展、農村改革、農民受益是國家特別關注的問題,隨著國家鄉村振興戰略的逐步實施,我國各地區的鄉村發生了較大的變化,在鄉村振興的過程中,有關部門要重點抓好基層黨組織建設工作,以其為抓手服務于鄉村振興和農業發展,發揮基層黨組織的優勢和作用,引領鄉村朝著健康的方向發展。在全面建成小康社會的國家發展戰略中,鄉村振興屬于其中重要的組成部分,不容忽視,做好基層黨組織建設工作有助于扭轉以往的局面,提高黨員干部的綜合素質,改變傳統的黨組織行政化,群眾路線邊緣化的現狀,進而增強黨組織的凝聚力和戰斗力,為鄉村振興和農業發展提供可靠的思想基礎和組織保障。本文就以湖南懷化市為例,首先對湖南懷化的發展優勢進行了介紹,指出了基層黨建工作的重要意義,分析了鄉村振興過程中基層黨建工作存在的突出問題,提出了優化基層黨建工作體系促進鄉村振興戰略實施的有效策略。


    中圖分類號: D267.2;;; 文獻標識碼: A;;; 文章編號: 1672-9129(2018)09-0202-02

    Abstract:; since the 19th National Congress of the CPC, China has attached great importance to the issues of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", agricultural development, rural reform and farmers" benefit, which are of special concern to the country. With the gradual implementation of the national strategy of rural revitalization, Great changes have taken place in the villages in various regions of our country. In the process of rural revitalization, the departments concerned should focus on the construction of grass-roots party organizations and use them to serve the rural revitalization and agricultural development. Give play to the advantages and functions of the grassroots Party organizations, leading the rural development towards a healthy direction. In the national development strategy of building a well-off society in an all-round way, rural revitalization is an important part of it. The construction of grass-roots party organizations will help to reverse the past situation, improve the comprehensive quality of party members and cadres, change the status quo of the traditional party organizations" administration and the marginalization of the mass line,and further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organizations. For rural revitalization and agricultural development to provide a reliable ideological basis and organizational support. Taking Huaihua City of Hunan Province as an example, this paper first introduces the development advantages of Hunan Huaihua City, points out the important significance of the Party building work at the grass-roots level, and analyzes on the outstanding problems existing in the grass-roots Party building work in the process of rural revitalization. This paper puts forward some

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