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    我的好朋友英語作文 [初二我的好朋友英語作文6句話]

    時間:2019-02-18 06:02:49 來源:勤學考試網 本文已影響 勤學考試網手機站



      Day Sunday I spend the money you saved up for two months to the bookstore to buy a book I was looking forward to for a long time of inspirational story.

      Back home I'll open the book, like a horse hungry Wolf, greedy reading. Although my eyes are very tired, but my heart felt very happy. I wish time could pass slowly, so I can be a little more time reading.

      Because I look very quickly, so 3 days is finished. But I have a kind of uncertain feeling, this feeling is like a five days didn't eat rice, who has not tasted a bite, never drink a mouthful of water a person came to a restaurant, he ate a lot of rice, taste a lot of food, and drink a lot of water. Although his belly is full, but he has no taste to taste. That's the fragrance of rice, food delicious and sweet water. I am the man, and hurried to read a book, but did not learn knowledge. So I read again again again, just want to put knowledge copy in my mind.


      Friend, do you still remember? In the rainy days, because I don't listen to your mother, didn't bring an umbrella, and school when it to rain cats and dogs. When I was in agony for how to go home, you come, you came with an umbrella. You say, because you at noon to sweep the floor, then don't go home, just I didn't bring an umbrella, just use your umbrella. After listening to, I'm very happy, took your umbrella. But when I am on the way home saw a bike in the rain, that person is you. Suddenly, my tears poured out like a caged faucet, you are in the rain for me, you are for me only to be such a mess! Thank you, my friend!

      Friend, do you still remember? In the day of the send test paper, because of my carelessness did not carefully check, only got 70 points, my heart is like the glass was stoned, broken. This is the worst since I have started! When you come, you came with your comfort, you said: the test can't be smooth sailing, there will always be some setbacks, we must brave face, pressing forward. My mood calm down slowly, carefully analyze each question, learn from them.


      A book, my best friend, since getting to know you, my world is enriched. Is because of you, I met many new friends.

      A desert island, I saw the Robinson, a bold and adventurous friends. A person living on a desert island for 28 years, this how strong will need!!! Difficulties in life, spiritual loneliness. In others, may have collapsed. But you, not only strong to survive, but also to live. You build ships, farm, ranch, to make bread, wine wine, also saved "Friday", how rich your life!!! I admire you - Robinson, I am so glad to met you this friend.

      Secondly the class, I met you, sung river! Say "call protect righteousness" and "timely rain", you is a friend of a battle righteousness, heavy affection. Liangshan's safety system as a whole. Major, you feel responsible for you and your brothers, to that of burning pain "thief" word can disappear forever.



    2.my school英語作文6句






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