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    t worrywbrks '。II make it

    t worrywbrks '。II make it

    There 1 s something wrong with the thermometer. Don

    Now people can learn huqe amounts of information from the computer。

    The expert you saw at the liais on meet ing is a friend of mi ne 。

    You have worked more carefully this week, for there are few mistakes in your calculati on 。

    Although the three workers got very tired in repairing the boiler, none of them would give it up。

    Now computers can work out problems much faster tha n huma n beings。

    There is too much cream on the cake。

    Don' t worry. It is not difficult for us to treat the fault。

    ientibetittemrthers 。Ms, Chang doesn r t lookwell

    ientibetittemrthers 。

    I 1 d like to lend you my electrical engineering handbook, but you

    I think English is quite different from Chinese。

    —Excuse me, is this the way to Shan ghai power Compa ny?

    No, I ' m afraid it isn。fYou've got the wrong road

    Can you tell me where Shan ghai power Compa ny is?

    sure, go down the street and turn left at the first crossing

    My wife is always busy with the housework。

    Engineer Zhou has learned English for five years。

    It is true that light travels faster than sound 。

    The old man was so exited that he could hardly believe his eyes. The underlined part means almost

    not o

    — How can I get to your office?

    You can take a taxi in stead of walkinq there。

    Tech ni cia ns are in terested in the in teresti nq in troduct ion of adva need tech no logy。

    Would you mind me usinq your calculator for a while?

    pumps are widely used in coal-fired power plant to transport carious liquids 。

    The thermocouple thermometers are used for temperature measurement 。

    When we run a plastic comb through our dry hair the comb and the hair may have static electricity 。

    Do not touch anything that runs electricity with your wet hands。

    The sun is one of thousands of stars in the sky。

    The equipment in substations protecting against direct thunder strikes is called lightning arrestor 。

    The power transformer is used to change the voltaqe of the power grid for the purpose of power transmission。

    Accord ing to distributi on equipme nt location ,it can be divided into in door power distributi on equipment and outdoor ones 。

    The control panel of the steam turbine must be kept clean every day 。

    30. In respect of environment protect ion the emission of dust, NO , >SOx etc must be limited。

    Part II.判斷(15%)

    Electricity in a remote location might be provided by a simple distribution grid linking a central

    gen erator to homes.The traditi onal paradigm for movi ng electricity around in developed coun tries is more complex.

    31 ? In developed countries, the traditional paradigm for moving electricity around is very simple. 。B.


    Usually the gen erat ing pla nts are very large and located n ear heavily populated areas.。B. Wrong

    The transmission network can move the power over long distances to its wholesale customer 。A.


    In the substation the power is stepped down from a transmission level voltage to a distribution level voltage 。A.


    At the service location, the power is stepped down again from the service voltage toe distribution voltage.。B.


    Great Inven ti ons

    Thomas Edis on was a great inven tor. A hun dred years ago, he stood by a stra nge mach ine and said the following words, May had a little lamb . M Then he was surprised by something . that is, the machine


    phono graph (留聲機)was inven ted two hun dred years ago. B. Wrong

    The computes was a great inven ti on before the helicopter was inven ted . B. Wrong

    Nylon greatly in flue need the type of clothes . B. Right

    The inventions for get ting over illness has nothing to do with the health of human being . B. Wrong

    Thomas Edis on was a great doctor. B. Wrong Part川?補全短文(20%)

    Passage 1

    Advaneed Distribution Automation is a term coined by the IntelliGrid project in North America to describe the extension of intelligent control over electrical power grid functions to the distribution level and beyond. It is related to distribution automation that can be enabled via the smart grid.(41)is typically separated logically into tran smissi on systems and (42).Electric power tran smissi on systems typically operate above 110kV,whereas Electricity distribution systems operate(43).Normally, electric utilities with SCADA systems have extensive control over transmission-level equipments nd in creasi ng control over

    distributi on-level equipme nt via distribution automati on .However,they ofte n are un able(44) such as Distributed en ergy resources,buildings,and homes. It may be advantageous to extend control networks to these systems(45)

    B. The electrical power grid.

    E. Distributi on systems

    A. At lower voltages

    D. To con trol smaller en tities.

    C. For a nu mber of reas ons

    Passage 2

    Temperature, pressure, specific volume, en thalpy and en tropy are the most com monly used (46) in the thermod yn amics.

    Heat expa nsion refers to the phe nomenon that most of the substa nces will in crease in size with(47) in the abse nee of (48).

    The first law of thermod yn amics goes like this: the heat i nput to a thermody namic system is equal to the sum of the in crease in (50) of the system and the work done to the outside.


    C. parameters of the medium


    B. the rise in temperature


    E. exter nal forces


    A. heat tran sfer


    D. i ntemal en ergy

    Part. IV閱讀理解(20%)

    The Developme nt of Mobile Phones

    Everybody in the city uses mobile phones today. But do you know a mobile phone is actually a small radio ? One radio sends a person 1 s voice over long distanc&adianote voice sent by the rado is

    51 ? Mobile phones used to be powerful eno uqh to send a pers on ' s voice to faraway places.

    What do we learn from the article about today r Theotatephmateand easy to use.

    Which of the followi ng g tran slati ons of the messages is NOT correct? Will I C U B4 2morowill I see you after tomorrow?

    Why does the writer write this article? To in troduce how mobile phones works and how it is used.

    Which of the followi ng is true accordi ng to the article? Today sendinq short messaqes is a popular way of using mobile phon es.

    The power grid freque ncy in out country

    In our country, the power grid standard frequency is 50Hz. For the power grid with a capacity of 3 000MW and

    above, the allowable deviation is 0.2Hz; for the power grid with a capacity under 3

    In our country, for the power grid with a capacity of 3 00MW and above, the allowable frequency deviatio n is ±).2Hz

    In the power grid with a capacity less than 3 000MW, the deviation between electric clock and standard clock (GPS) should not be larger than: ±50s

    The running of electric clock can reflect the variation of power grid frequency, as the motive part of the electric clock is an AC sin ale-phase synchronous motor.

    In the power grid with a capacity of 3 000MW and above, the accidental frequency is : Over or under

    50 ±>.2H 乙

    The primary frequency regulation power plant undertakes the frequency regulation of the power grid, and keeps the freque ncy with in: 50 ±).1 H 乙


    All the useful en ergy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. The sun heats and feeds creatures and mankind.

    61 ? the sun is the sources of all of the followi ng EXCEPT atomic power

    Radia nt en ergy is stored as carb on compo unds by plants

    The sun's energy provides us with all EXCEPT water

    The largest part of the light energy directed towards the earth is absorbed by the earth's atmosphere 65.Of the sun 1 total output of radiant energy ,the earth receives a very small portion


    The market is a con cept f you are grow ing tomatoes in you backyard for sale you are produci ng for the market. You might sell some to you n eighbor and some to the man ager of the local market.

    Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? R what z the market?

    All of the followi ng acts are produc ing for the market EXCEPT attendinq a ni qht school

    You are buying from the market whe n you dine at a restaura nt

    The word "bal" n the last paragraph may most probably mean con crete

    7O」n what way is the market very real for each pers on or bus in essme n who is making and sell ing someth ing? It tells you what to produce



    1 ? Mr. Chen missed the bus, so he failed to get to his office on time. The underlined part means wasn1 t able


    Last night I didn ' t leave the laibioiratoeytest ended.

    How magni fice nt the Chan gjia ng Bridge is!

    It 1 s importa nt fortaukeep the air clea n.

    This hydraulic power statio n was built 50 years ago,

    I 1 II visit my friend and stay with hinfior some time next week.

    The coord in ati on meeti ng for the tran smissi on line con structi on is held once a week.

    By the year 2000, the had worked in the power station for twenty years .

    Next week I will fly to U.S.A to attend an important meeting.

    Welcome to Beijing ” ,Mr. Li said to the foreign friends.

    There have been great changes in Shanghai since 1978.

    The government didn ' t allow them to build that factoaq not to make the water dirty.

    Many problems were talked about yesterday.

    He left his mobile phone in the meeting room yesterday.

    All the desks in the room are covered with dust.

    From the n on, she was n ever late for going to office. The un derl ined part means after that,

    Look at the lady at the door, could you tell me who she is?

    Which is heavier, iron of copper?

    China is famous for the great wall.

    20.This chi mney is as hiqh as that one.


    s dangerous.21 ? You are not allowed to fly kite near the power line, It

    s dangerous.

    The in strume ntal panel of the gen erator must be kept clea n every day.

    The power pla nt was built in 1990.

    The repairing of the switchgear must be finished in two hours.

    The steam turbi ne parameters should match with that of the boiler.

    A gen erator is a machi ne to convert mecha nical en ergy into electric en ergy.

    In the past decade, the in stalled capacity of gen erat ing un its in China has bee n doubled.

    A co-ge nerati on power pla nt not only gen erates electricity but also supplies steam to heat users.

    The basic types of heat tra nsfer is con ductio n,con vectio n an radiati on.

    In centigrade temperature scale, the ice point water is defined as 0 °C , the boiling point is 100 °C .

    二、 短文判斷 (15%)

    Nuclear power's dan ger to health 5safety ,and even to life itself can be summed up in one word : radiati on.

    31 ? The mystery about nu clear radiati on may come from the fact that it cannot be detected by huma n sen ses.(right)

    We cannot sense radio activity without a radio receiver (wrong)

    Common radio waves are harmless to human beings and other things, (right)

    Even at the lowest levels, radiati on will cause cancer by killi ng the healthy cells, (wrong )

    Victims of nu clear radiati on may die of can cer years later, (right)

    When you think about the growth of huma n populatio n over the last cen tury or so, it is all too easy to imagi ne it merely as an in crease in the nu mber of huma ns. But as we multiply, so do all the things associated with us, including our livestock. At present, there are about 1.5 billion cattle and domestic buffolo and about 1.7 billion sheep and goats. With pigs and poultry, they form a critical part of our eno rmous biological footpri nt upon this pla net.

    With the in crease of huma n populati on over the last cen tury, every thing around us is in creas ing. (wrong )

    It was not until the publication of a new report, called Livestock's Long Shadow1' that we

    know how big the nu mber of livestock is. (wrong )

    Rain forests are decreas ing as a result of expa nding graz ing land, (right)

    The global livestock con tribute more to the global warmi ng tha n tran sportati on. (right)

    According to the passage, the only solution to global warming is reducing cars, (wrong )

    三、 補全短文

    Passage 1

    Solar en ergy is lauded as an in exhaustible fuel source that is polluti on and ofte n no ise free.The tech no logy is also versatile.For example,solar cells gen erae en ergy for far-out places⑷ like satellites in Earth orbit)and cab ins deep in the Rocky Mou ntai n as easily as they can poer downtown(42bui

    futuristic cars).

    But solar energy doesn rwork at night without a storage device(43such as a battery), and cloudy weater can make the tech no logy un reliable duri ng the day.Solar tech no logies are also very expe n sive and require a lot of la nd area(44to collect the sun ' enerqy) at rates useful to lots of people.

    Despite the drawbacks,solar energy use has surged at about 20 percent a year over the past 15 years,tha nks to rapidly falli ng orices and gains in efficie ncy. Japa n, Germa ny, and the (45United States) are major markets for solar cells.With tax incentives,solar electricity can often pay for itself in five to ten years. Passage 2

    Accord ing to the mode of en ergy conversion, power pants can be classified into fossil-fired, hydraulic, 46nuclear, wind solar, geothermal, tide power plants, and so on.

    A power plant transforms primary energy source into electric power and 47 supplies power to users.

    A co-ge nerati on pla nt is the power pla nt that not on ly gen erates electricity but also 48 supplies steam to the user.

    Normally, in selecting the site of a new power plant, following factors should be fully considered: Power net plan for medium and long term; 49 Fuel supply and ash disposal: Transportation condition; Water sources; Local n atural con diti on and en viro nmen tai protecti on.

    Accord ing to the com mon stipulatio n for a n ewly scheduled power pla nt, the total capacity in a 50 newly scheduled power pla nt is in the range of 1 200 MW to 3 600ME, the number of units should not

    exceed six and the ranks of capacity should not exceed two.

    Part, 4閱讀理解

    Cars in the future

    Nowadays more and more people have their own cars. Cities are full of ears. Therefore parking becomes a big

    problem. So is the traffic around the city. Some cha nges may take place in the future, For example, some

    51.Which of the follow ing is NOT one of the problems we have with cars today? Money


    Accord ing to the article, if we have little cars in the future, The streets will be less crowded.

    Little cars are more suitable for daily life.

    A little car is likely to be one third the size of today 1 car.

    Large cars and little cars can be used for differe nt purposes in the future.

    Fun dame ntal kno wledge about electric power tran smissi on

    The tran smissi on and tran sformatio n of the electric power n etwork is completed by step-up substati ons, step-

    dow n substati ons and corm ected tran smissi on equipme nt. The tran smissi on equipme nt mainly con sists of

    The function of transmission is to send the electric power.

    In out country, what voltage class 1 s power network is called the high v networks?

    In our country, the specified rated standard voltages is the line voltage effective value.

    What is the mea ning of TIUHV” a?hiqh voltaqe.

    I n our coun try, the voltage of the DC ultra-high voltage power n etwork is DC ±800kv and above.

    The scienee of meteorology is concerned with the study of the structure ,sate and behaviour of the atmosphere.

    Which of the follow ing is the best title for the passage? Approaches to the Science of Meteorology .

    The predict ions of syn optic meteorologists are directly based on the preparati on and study of weather maps.

    Which of the following is not referred to be the author as a field whose needs are served by weather forecasti ng? Sports

    The author implies that in creased accuracy in weather forecasti ng will lead to greater protect ion of huma n life and property.

    65」n the last sentence of the passage ,the phrase these tools” refers to mathematics and physics

    As we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease- especially

    66.Today medical care is placi ng more stress on removi ng people fs bad living habits.

    67」n the first paragraph, people are remi tided that good health is more tha n not being ill.

    Traditi on ally, a pers on is con sidered H wellH if he is free from any kind of disease.

    Accord ing to the author, the true meaning of well nessM is for people to strive to main tai n the best possible health.

    Accord ing to what the author advocates, which of the followi ng groups of people would be con sidered healthy? People who try to be as healthy as possible, regardless of their limitati ons.


    Parti 單選(45%)

    ? The synthetic fibers produced in that big plant account for one third of all the fibers turned out in the area.

    You have only 100 words in which to sum up his speech.

    The jury must weigh the evide nee before they reach a verdict.

    Scientists have spent years researchinq into the effects of certain chemicals on the human brain with no result.

    The firm will have to stop up_product ion if it is to defeat its competitors.

    You1 II n ever finish that job uni ess you forget everyth ing else and get down to it.

    The America n compa ny whose chemical factory in In dia exploded will have to compensate for the loss of huma n lives.

    Many new opportunities will be ope ned up in the future for those with a uni versity educati on.

    The man ager promised to keep me in formed of how our bus in ess was going on.

    John regretted not qoinq to the meeting last week?

    ? The above men ti oned react ions are bound to proceed smoothly.

    The meeti ng drew to a close late in the after noon.

    From his appears nee we may safely con elude that he is heavy smoker.

    Some one must have left the tap on, for the water was running over and floodi ng the bathOroom.

    We pla nt and care for trees in proportion the many ben efits they give us.

    Whatever you decide to take up, you should try to make it a success.

    I am tired of your stupid conversation.

    The shopkeeper of the book has marked a new era in the history of the question.

    The shopkeeper is facing fierce competition from supermarkets.

    They are building the railway in association with another company.

    21 ? I found the little boy sitting on the steps, crying bitterly,

    The students will put off the outing until next week, when they won 1 t be so busy.

    In his speech he referred to the great help that the club received from supporters.

    Carbon is an element, while carb on dioxide is a compo unci.

    When I arrived in this country, I had to start learning the Ianguage from scratch.

    After being rescued from the wrecked shop, the people agreed that they had much to be thankful for,

    His ambition had always been to become an architect.

    This new method not on ly saves time but also saves en ergy by operat ing on two batteries in stead of four.

    He was very near-sighted, almost helpless without glasses.

    Despite all the heated arquments they had, they remained the best of friends throughout their lives.

    Part 2 Passage Judgme nt (15%)


    The electric power in dustry is com monly split up into four processes.These are electricity gen erati on such as a power station,electric power transmission,electricity distribution and electricity retailing.

    31 ? Electric power companies only wen the infrastructure of generating stations.(Wrong)

    Electric power in dustry is gen erally gover nmen t-ow ned and operated.(Right)

    When electricity provision is deregulated ,customers of electricity prefer more costly green electricity prefer more costly gree n electricity.(Right)

    All forms of electricity generation have both advantages and disadvantages.(Right)

    Renewable energy and distributed generation are not viable in econmic terms.(Wrong) Passage 2

    The com muni cati ons explosi on is on the scale of the rail, automobile or teleph one revoluti on. Very soon you 1

    II be able to record your entire life electronically-anything a microp hone or a camera can sense you r II

    By say ing that he takes may images of his childre n, the author wants to display the in flue nee of com mun icatio ns on life

    The author most probably thinks the com muni cati ons dust is amazinq.

    Which of the following statements abut the l

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      付出就有回報,趕緊睡個好覺。別想分數高低,放松最為重要。祝你初二生物期末考成功金榜題名!小編整理了關于初二生物上冊期末考試,希望對大家有幫助!  初二上冊生物期末考...

      作文大全 日期:2019-02-27

    • 試用期工作總結與展望


      作文大全 日期:2020-09-02

    • 心得體會寫法例文


      作文大全 日期:2021-04-22

    • 我的“小饞貓”妹妹作文300字

      王一凡  我有一個“小饞貓”妹妹,今年6歲。她的臉圓圓的,眼睛大大的,身體胖乎乎的,非??蓯??! 〗?/p>

      作文大全 日期:2020-02-06

    • 初學者啞鈴的訓練方法_家庭啞鈴鍛煉方法

      啞鈴健身是常見的健身方法之一。那么你知道日常生活中,怎么進行啞鈴健身方法呢?今天,小編為你帶來了家庭啞鈴鍛煉方法?! 〖彝♀忓憻捈记伞 ∫?、鍛煉前的準備:  1、...

      作文大全 日期:2019-03-08

    • 散文|西瓜燈緣

        散文|西瓜燈緣  夜幕下的東湖之畔,西瓜燈和街邊的露燈交相輝映,展區的背景音樂里緩緩地播放著鄧麗君的歌曲小城故事多,充滿喜和樂

      作文大全 日期:2021-11-24

    • 女人吃什么藥能催情|性藥

      現在的女人由于承受的壓力較大,容易出現性冷淡,這時可以吃一些藥物來幫助催情。那么女人吃什么藥能催情呢?下面小編馬上就告訴大家能催情的藥物有哪些吧?! ∧艽咔榈乃幬铩?..

      網絡課程 日期:2019-02-27

    • 信息化教學課程案例一等獎6篇


      網絡課程 日期:2023-12-03

    • (13篇)融媒體中心制度匯編(完整文檔)

      融媒體中心制度匯編(13篇)目錄1 XX市融媒體中心D組會議事規則2,XX市融媒體中心主任辦公會制度3 XX市融媒體中心“一把手”“五個不直接分管和“朱位表態”工作制度4 XX市融...

      網絡課程 日期:2022-03-30

    • 廉政約談記錄范文 (5篇)

      廉政約談記錄范文(5篇)廉政約談記錄范文1約談內容回答:1 作為一名******員,我自覺遵守和維護黨的政治紀律,始終在思想上、行動上與黨***保持高度一致自覺貫徹執行黨的路線...

      網絡課程 日期:2022-03-30

    • 加強教學管理提高教學質量幾點措施


      網絡課程 日期:2021-03-26

    • 歌曲好日子節目串詞


      網絡課程 日期:2021-01-25

    • 親屬關系村委會開證明書


      網絡課程 日期:2020-09-10

    • 黨委理論中心組學習情況自查報告


      網絡課程 日期:2021-05-05

    • 即興演講100篇范例 即興演講三分鐘例文

      即興演講三分鐘范文  同學們:  你喜歡自己嗎?你對自己滿意嗎?你很羨慕某些人,甚至愿意自己也成為他

      網絡課程 日期:2020-07-03

    • 第二季度護理質量分析2014.2


      網絡課程 日期:2020-08-27

    • 五年級下冊科學書 人教版科學電子課本


      考試真題 日期:2019-03-02

    • 敦煌莫高窟壁畫介紹【莫高窟壁畫的主要內容是什么】

      莫高窟壁畫面積45000平方米,是世界上現存規模最大、內容最豐富的佛教藝術圣地,被譽為東方藝術的寶庫。以下是小編分享給大家的莫高窟壁畫的主要內容,一起來看看吧!  莫高窟...

      考試真題 日期:2019-02-19

    • 裸露的靈魂(轉載)作文600字

      ——題記    富蘭克林曾經說過:“人與人之間相互關系中,對人生的幸福最重要的莫過于真實、誠意和廉潔

      考試真題 日期:2020-02-17

    • 家風小故事50字


      考試真題 日期:2020-08-24

    • [疫情防控工作會議講話]疫情防控會議紀要


      考試真題 日期:2020-06-09

    • 我眼中的奧運會吉祥物作文500字

      2008年奧運會吉祥物誕生了!她的名字叫福娃?! ∥业谝淮慰吹礁M奘前职纸o我買的五枝筆,原來福娃不是

      考試真題 日期:2020-02-19

    • 海灘風景畫【兒童風景畫海灘】


      考試真題 日期:2019-02-12

    • 小學三年級學生心語卡 三年級學生心語怎么寫

      還在煩惱心語卡上該寫點什么嗎?小學三年級學生的心語卡該怎么寫?下面是小編為你整理的小學三年級學生心語卡,供大家閱覽!  小學三年級學生心語卡【溫馨版】  1 太陽照亮...

      考試真題 日期:2019-03-02

    • 最新不忘初心牢記使命征文范文1500字【精選3篇】【完整版】


      考試真題 日期:2022-03-30

    • 勞動仲裁十戰九輸_法律援助中心規章制度

      法律援助中心規章制度 一、法律援助工作人員必須嚴格遵守職業道德和執業紀律,依法為受援人提供優質、高效

      考試真題 日期:2020-07-08

    • 【最新2020】向稅務局寫情況說明-word文檔 (2頁)


      招聘大全 日期:2021-04-21

    • 移動公司面試問題及參考答案


      招聘大全 日期:2021-04-21

    • 介紹撫州作文300字


      招聘大全 日期:2020-02-06

    • 工會委員及職責


      招聘大全 日期:2020-10-14

    • 如何發揮基層黨建對業務經營統領作用


      招聘大全 日期:2020-10-24

    • 形容香甜類歇后語大全及答案


      招聘大全 日期:2021-04-12

    • 河馬和猴子作文400字


      招聘大全 日期:2020-02-08

    • [2017男性保健品排行榜_2017男性保健品排行前十名] 中國男性保健品前十名

      對于男性而言,男性保健品能起到很好的壯陽補腎的功效!至于日常中男性保健品主要有哪些呢?男性保健品排行前十的有哪些呢?接下來男性朋友們就趕緊隨小編一起來看看吧!  2017...

      招聘大全 日期:2019-02-15

    • 如何指導基層黨支部提高發現和解決自身問題能力


      招聘大全 日期:2020-09-01

    • 辦理中石化加油卡幾大優點


      招聘大全 日期:2020-10-17

    • 美甲學習的方法具體有哪些7篇

      美甲學習的方法具體有哪些1、不管你采取哪一種學習方法,美甲初級部分內容必須過一遍,因為后面的技術都是建立在此基礎上的,比如:涂甲油留邊0 08MM,涂的順序

      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年高中必修五英語知識點8篇

      高中必修五英語知識點Unit1:1、putforward:提出(計劃、建議等);將…提前;把鐘表撥快e g Heputforwardagoodplanfor

      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年高考狀元高效學習法3篇


      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 暑期社會實踐12篇


      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年銀行職業規劃13篇


      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年度職業生涯規劃指導精彩9篇


      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年度《一路花香》第一課時教學設計7篇


      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年度教學設計教案6篇


      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 2023年度《陋室銘》譯文6篇

      《陋室銘》譯文教學目標:1 了解“銘”“說”這兩種古代文體及其特點,積累文言詞匯,理解文章內容。2 理解作者用托物言志的方法表達高潔志趣。3 學習古代仁人志

      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

    • 五年級數學暑假作業答案匯總4篇

      五年級數學暑假作業答案匯總p2-31、2 34 52 30 24100 30 230 60 182、(1)3 5*414(2)1 53 5(3)1和34和6

      文檔大全 日期:2024-03-23

